Back to Abnormal and Bringin' Abnormal Back! (at the end of Feb, 2023) 

This picture was taken in Ottawa (by Ottawa's Randy MacNeil, a Canadian treasure of a photographer) in November, 2022. But this photo is pretty much what I look like right now, sitting here on my couch, February 20, 2023. I've currently got a buncha upcoming shows and adventures, all listed at “APPEARING LIVE" (click above or hover here). It's nice to type those words together so darn naturally –– put ‘em in bold, even –– feels almost like getting back to abnormal –– never fear, friends, fellow travellers –– you'll always be abnormal to me. Look me up if I swing by near you, and be kind to yourself out there. You deserve it –– you're lovely, Corin.


Mon Sep 5 / SKAM Satellite Theatre / Victoria, BC 
849 Fort St. / $25 / 630 pm doors / 7 – 9 pm 
–––– Tickets To Be Had Here ––––
Tickets will be available at the door, but seating is limited. 
This is a music show –– two sets –– for which Corin will be joined 
by Victoria guitarist Travis Charuk a.k.a T-Rav the Transformer 
(T-Rav is the man who did all the paintings for Hobo Jungle Fever Dreams)


Friends, I don’t know that BOOKMARKS will get a more satisfying review than this one from Tor Lukasik-Foss, a Hamilton-based writer/storyteller of whom I’m a HUGE fan. Tor saw BOOKMARKS at the Hamilton Fringe and was inspired to write it.  Speaking as the creator and performer of BOOKMARKS, it's high reward to feel this understood; to have the work I’ve done be this perceived, and articulately enjoyed : 


“I’m a sucker for good storytelling, but I’m also finicky—I don’t like it when stories are told in a way that feels acted, I don’t like it when stories have been polished to a high precision, and I don’t like it when stories are delivered solely for weightless amusement. I do like it when the craft of the storytelling is so hidden within a conversational delivery that I don’t notice it—when the teller seems to be speaking casually and only when I’m knee deep in their narrative do I realize that I’m enmeshed in something that is both poetic and precisely crafted.  

This is why Bookmarks, written and performed by Corin Raymond, currently on view at the 2022 Hamilton Fringe, whalloped me as much as it did. It starts off so unassuming, and then in small, deliberate increments builds to a finish that is equally emotional and revelatory. No small feat for a play whose premise suggests nothing more than ‘books are cool”.  

Through a succession of 5 or 6 monologues (I wasn’t counting), Raymond alternates between alliterative tributes to the tactile, talismanic quality of books and key biographical moments where his attachment to them has been forged. Within the weaving of these pieces is a seemingly inconsequential tale of losing a Helen Garner paperback in an Australian airport, and Raymond’s subsequent overreaction to the loss. This moment soon becomes a toggle switch for a more foundational trauma.  

Normally, I think I might write it off as a storyteller’s trick to take a slight moment and then extrapolate on it so that it can talk to bigger and more elemental themes. But in Bookmarks, the sheer ferocity of Raymond’s conviction, and the urgency and vulnerability of his telling erase any notion that he is either contriving or being clever. By the end of the piece, it is evident that books are not just books for Raymond; they are tools essential for his survival. And those things that give us solace and stability should never ever be taken for granted; indeed, we should take time to recognize and venerate them.  

And this is what Raymond has done. I’m grateful for it.”

LIVE-ZOOMIN' my one-person show The Great Canadian Tire Money Caper! 


I'm live-Zooming my one-person show The Great Canadian Tire Money Caper, followed by a little music, on Tues Sept 28!

Tickets can be had here (hover cursor over link): 

(Bookworm on Tues Oct 26 and the "workshop debut" of a brand new show on Tues Nov 30)

Stay in tune,


ps. This poster is making use of a gorgeous painting by Hamilton's James Thomas.


Friends out there in the front row, 

Sliding scale tickets to my Thursday, June 24th performance are to be found right here; just hover your cursor over this sentence or on the picture above.

The front row of the third and last of this 3-show series is as magic as ever: everyone gets to be there.

My last "Haircut" (presented by Home Routes back on May 13th), 234 folks bought front-row tickets; and lots of those ticket-buyers brought their partners, their sweethearts, their kids –– in the end, there were about 400 beautiful beating hearts, all in the FRONT ROW –– all together, hailing friends and chatting and communing and snacking on the sweetness of the crowd as much as on the show itself.

I'm telling you, magic has attended these "Haircuts" both times. 

But before I get you any more EXCITED about this third and last "Haircut" (my final online appearance until the fall), I need to acknowledge something that I don't express enough: half of what makes my shows so special is that I have such a good crowd.

I'm miraculously fortunate this way. My audience is just made of good people. I don't say this to flatter; I say it because you're the caramel secret in the Cadbury's Caramilk bar of what I do –– you're the magic-front-row ingredient that makes my whole enterprise feel so right –– and when you all get together, well, that's the non-technical, intangible other thing –– that's the confluence of hearts at the heart of my long sought-after Caramilk secret.

My first show (back on April 1st), we had 214 ticket buyers! Our goal for the May 13th show was 215, and we hit 233

My dream is to end this 3-show season on 234! –– is that so wrong? Friends, is it WRONG TO DREAM?

I, for one, believe in us. I know we can; and there's joy in numbers.

But hey, before I leave you to purchase your tickets and to sweetly ponder the faces of far-flung friends or faraway family (or friends you haven't had the chance to do something utterly joyful with in a while) whom you might be inspired to suggest join you in my magical front row, let me tell you what you can expect from me on Thursday, June 24th:

1. As with my each of these three shows, this one will feature 80% different material than the others did.

2. I'll be debuting at least two totally brand-new songs: "Just For the Record" and "Wasn't Done Falling in Love." (I'm hoping to finish a third new song called "Listenin'" between now and the 24th.)

3. I'll be fulfilling several requests that I was unable to satisfy for the last show or the one before that: "Blue Mermaid Dress" or "The Law and the Lonesome," anyone? –– to name a couple. I'm even gonna break down one of the verses of "The Law and the Lonesome" and tell you the origin of each line. (For those of you who are into that kinda thing.)

4. I'm excited to share two new Bookworm monologues from the show I'm currently working on, which I'll be debuting in its entirety with Home Routes in the fall (more on that 3-show series soon enough).

5. Along with the requests and songs from earlier records, I'll be revisiting new material such as "The First Hundred Years Are the Hardest," "Sorry Love (For This Sorry Love of Mine)" and "We Are So Lightly Here."

6. I will make you belly laugh.

7. Furthermore, I promise you at least one good cry –– in other words, feelings of sweet sorrowful human joy and relief.

I dare you to bring someone who's never heard of me. 

I dare you to bring someone who has.

I dare you to bring someone you love.

Share the magic front row! 

I dare you to purchase your ticket without further internal dialogue, as I'll feel the effect of that inspiration immediately, and it will be channelled directly into the work I'm doing to prepare for this mystical event!

Again, sliding scale tickets are HERE (hover your cursor), my Patreon is THERE (hover)

And I remain, 

Promotionally yours,

Corin Raymond 

ps. Bahoozbahhh! 


Friends out there in the front row,

Sliding scale tickets to my Thurs May 13th performance are to be found right here, hover your cursor over this sentence or on the picture above –– and I dare you to bring someone who's never heard of me.

I did my very first solo online show last week (Thurs Apr 1, 2021) and it was warm and wooden and wonderful! If you were one of the 214 who attended that one, thank you for making my month.

Aside from the joy it gave me to sing you 14 songs as well as share a "bit" from my next Bookworm show (I performed a monologue called "Airport Books" which I'm this week putting up on my Patreon, hover your cursor here if you're curious), the biggest joy –– as it so often was in the Before Times –– was being an excuse for my fans and friends to get together.

I read the chat the following day and it glowed like a magical transcription of the best Cameron House convergence ever! I'm very lucky to have a fanbase that's just a benevolent horde of warm hearts. Friends, I love you.

This is the greatest thing about my work in the Small Time is that fundamentally, it's made of people like you. If you know someone who would be made happier for having Corin Raymond in their lives, I already know that I'll be happier to have them in mine. We're in a trying final stretch of the Pandemic and we need all the joy and inspiration we can find. I've got some of that stuff! So my suggestion for Thursday, May 13th is that you bring someone who's never heard me.

Bring a friend –– bring your uncle! Bring your sister who lives out in Burnaby now. Bring someone you miss, someone you wanna commune with in a way that's warm and winsome and open-hearted. Bring someone who likes to laugh.

Someone to share the front row with!

Again, sliding scale tickets are HERE (hover your cursor), my Patreon is THERE (hover)

And I remain,

Corin Raymond

ps. Bahoozbah!

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* indicates required


 —  —

Roots on Whyte, 8135 – 102 St., Edmonton, AB

When the Edmonton Fringe Box Office goes live, I'll change the above link. In the meantime, I'm sharing this BYOV w/ two of my favourite storytellers –– Paul Strickland and Al Lafrance –– and here's a blurb-word and my showtimes at a glance:

Monologue, memoir, a feast of words; and a deep-hearted treat for anyone who's ever lost someone or something they loved.

BOOKMARKS Showtimes (Roots on Whyte / 208-8135 102 St.):

Fri Aug 16 / 8:15 – 9:15 pm Sat Aug 17 / 4:15 – 5:15 pm Sun Aug 18 / 3:15 – 4:15 pm Tues Aug 20 / 4:45 – 5:45 pm Wed Aug 21 / 8:15 – 9:15 pm Thurs Aug 22 / 6:30 – 7:30 pm Fri Aug 23 / 6:45 – 7:45 pm Sat Aug 24 / 2:30 – 3:30 pm Sun Aug 25 / 4:15 – 5:15 pm

From the Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg Fringe 2023:

Toronto singer-songwriter Corin Raymond returns to the fringe with another stellar one-man show, again revolving around his love of reading. A decade ago his solo spoken-word show, Bookworm, delved into stories read to him by his father as a child; Bookmarks explores the many books he’s loved, loaned out, lost and (sometimes) found again while on the road.

The 60-plus-minute monologue is broken up into five- or six-minute stories — almost like an album, or chapters of a book — with Raymond fondly (and sometimes funnily) reminiscing about books that have helped him through difficult times, including coping with the loss of his mothers (to understand why it’s plural, you’ll have to see the show).

Raymond’s got a beautiful, poetic delivery and dynamic stage presence that works brilliantly with his reminiscences — it all pulls at the heartstrings in a big way. ★★★★ 1/2

— Ben Sigurdson


 —  —

Roots on Whyte, 8135 – 102 St., Edmonton, AB

When the Edmonton Fringe Box Office goes live, I'll change the above link. In the meantime, I'm sharing this BYOV w/ two of my favourite storytellers –– Paul Strickland and Al Lafrance –– and here's a blurb-word and my showtimes at a glance:

Monologue, memoir, a feast of words; and a deep-hearted treat for anyone who's ever lost someone or something they loved.

BOOKMARKS Showtimes (Roots on Whyte / 208-8135 102 St.):

Fri Aug 16 / 8:15 – 9:15 pm Sat Aug 17 / 4:15 – 5:15 pm Sun Aug 18 / 3:15 – 4:15 pm Tues Aug 20 / 4:45 – 5:45 pm Wed Aug 21 / 8:15 – 9:15 pm Thurs Aug 22 / 6:30 – 7:30 pm Fri Aug 23 / 6:45 – 7:45 pm Sat Aug 24 / 2:30 – 3:30 pm Sun Aug 25 / 4:15 – 5:15 pm

From the Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg Fringe 2023:

Toronto singer-songwriter Corin Raymond returns to the fringe with another stellar one-man show, again revolving around his love of reading. A decade ago his solo spoken-word show, Bookworm, delved into stories read to him by his father as a child; Bookmarks explores the many books he’s loved, loaned out, lost and (sometimes) found again while on the road.

The 60-plus-minute monologue is broken up into five- or six-minute stories — almost like an album, or chapters of a book — with Raymond fondly (and sometimes funnily) reminiscing about books that have helped him through difficult times, including coping with the loss of his mothers (to understand why it’s plural, you’ll have to see the show).

Raymond’s got a beautiful, poetic delivery and dynamic stage presence that works brilliantly with his reminiscences — it all pulls at the heartstrings in a big way. ★★★★ 1/2

— Ben Sigurdson


 —  —

Roots on Whyte, 8135 – 102 St., Edmonton, AB

When the Edmonton Fringe Box Office goes live, I'll change the above link. In the meantime, I'm sharing this BYOV w/ two of my favourite storytellers –– Paul Strickland and Al Lafrance –– and here's a blurb-word and my showtimes at a glance:

Monologue, memoir, a feast of words; and a deep-hearted treat for anyone who's ever lost someone or something they loved.

BOOKMARKS Showtimes (Roots on Whyte / 208-8135 102 St.):

Fri Aug 16 / 8:15 – 9:15 pm Sat Aug 17 / 4:15 – 5:15 pm Sun Aug 18 / 3:15 – 4:15 pm Tues Aug 20 / 4:45 – 5:45 pm Wed Aug 21 / 8:15 – 9:15 pm Thurs Aug 22 / 6:30 – 7:30 pm Fri Aug 23 / 6:45 – 7:45 pm Sat Aug 24 / 2:30 – 3:30 pm Sun Aug 25 / 4:15 – 5:15 pm

From the Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg Fringe 2023:

Toronto singer-songwriter Corin Raymond returns to the fringe with another stellar one-man show, again revolving around his love of reading. A decade ago his solo spoken-word show, Bookworm, delved into stories read to him by his father as a child; Bookmarks explores the many books he’s loved, loaned out, lost and (sometimes) found again while on the road.

The 60-plus-minute monologue is broken up into five- or six-minute stories — almost like an album, or chapters of a book — with Raymond fondly (and sometimes funnily) reminiscing about books that have helped him through difficult times, including coping with the loss of his mothers (to understand why it’s plural, you’ll have to see the show).

Raymond’s got a beautiful, poetic delivery and dynamic stage presence that works brilliantly with his reminiscences — it all pulls at the heartstrings in a big way. ★★★★ 1/2

— Ben Sigurdson


 —  —

Roots on Whyte, 8135 – 102 St., Edmonton, AB

When the Edmonton Fringe Box Office goes live, I'll change the above link. In the meantime, I'm sharing this BYOV w/ two of my favourite storytellers –– Paul Strickland and Al Lafrance –– and here's a blurb-word and my showtimes at a glance:

Monologue, memoir, a feast of words; and a deep-hearted treat for anyone who's ever lost someone or something they loved.

BOOKMARKS Showtimes (Roots on Whyte / 208-8135 102 St.):

Fri Aug 16 / 8:15 – 9:15 pm Sat Aug 17 / 4:15 – 5:15 pm Sun Aug 18 / 3:15 – 4:15 pm Tues Aug 20 / 4:45 – 5:45 pm Wed Aug 21 / 8:15 – 9:15 pm Thurs Aug 22 / 6:30 – 7:30 pm Fri Aug 23 / 6:45 – 7:45 pm Sat Aug 24 / 2:30 – 3:30 pm Sun Aug 25 / 4:15 – 5:15 pm

From the Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg Fringe 2023:

Toronto singer-songwriter Corin Raymond returns to the fringe with another stellar one-man show, again revolving around his love of reading. A decade ago his solo spoken-word show, Bookworm, delved into stories read to him by his father as a child; Bookmarks explores the many books he’s loved, loaned out, lost and (sometimes) found again while on the road.

The 60-plus-minute monologue is broken up into five- or six-minute stories — almost like an album, or chapters of a book — with Raymond fondly (and sometimes funnily) reminiscing about books that have helped him through difficult times, including coping with the loss of his mothers (to understand why it’s plural, you’ll have to see the show).

Raymond’s got a beautiful, poetic delivery and dynamic stage presence that works brilliantly with his reminiscences — it all pulls at the heartstrings in a big way. ★★★★ 1/2

— Ben Sigurdson


 —  —

Roots on Whyte, 8135 – 102 St., Edmonton, AB

When the Edmonton Fringe Box Office goes live, I'll change the above link. In the meantime, I'm sharing this BYOV w/ two of my favourite storytellers –– Paul Strickland and Al Lafrance –– and here's a blurb-word and my showtimes at a glance:

Monologue, memoir, a feast of words; and a deep-hearted treat for anyone who's ever lost someone or something they loved.

BOOKMARKS Showtimes (Roots on Whyte / 208-8135 102 St.):

Fri Aug 16 / 8:15 – 9:15 pm Sat Aug 17 / 4:15 – 5:15 pm Sun Aug 18 / 3:15 – 4:15 pm Tues Aug 20 / 4:45 – 5:45 pm Wed Aug 21 / 8:15 – 9:15 pm Thurs Aug 22 / 6:30 – 7:30 pm Fri Aug 23 / 6:45 – 7:45 pm Sat Aug 24 / 2:30 – 3:30 pm Sun Aug 25 / 4:15 – 5:15 pm

From the Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg Fringe 2023:

Toronto singer-songwriter Corin Raymond returns to the fringe with another stellar one-man show, again revolving around his love of reading. A decade ago his solo spoken-word show, Bookworm, delved into stories read to him by his father as a child; Bookmarks explores the many books he’s loved, loaned out, lost and (sometimes) found again while on the road.

The 60-plus-minute monologue is broken up into five- or six-minute stories — almost like an album, or chapters of a book — with Raymond fondly (and sometimes funnily) reminiscing about books that have helped him through difficult times, including coping with the loss of his mothers (to understand why it’s plural, you’ll have to see the show).

Raymond’s got a beautiful, poetic delivery and dynamic stage presence that works brilliantly with his reminiscences — it all pulls at the heartstrings in a big way. ★★★★ 1/2

— Ben Sigurdson

Hobo Jungle Fever Dreams: Coffee Table CD
  • Hobo Jungle Fever Dreams: Coffee Table CD

Hobo Jungle Fever Dreams: Coffee Table CD

In cart Not available Out of stock

The physical album package is 80 pages of beauty, featuring liner notes, chords and lyrics to the songs, as well as 19 paintings by Travis Charuk (like the one you see of Corin on the cover). Gorgeous design and layout by Pearl Rachinsky.

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Coffee Table CD - SOLD OUT
  • Coffee Table CD - SOLD OUT

Coffee Table CD - SOLD OUT

In cart Not available Out of stock

This "coffee-table CD" consists of a 144-page hardcover book and two CDs. 20 songs by songwriters from across Canada (including Corin himself), stories about where the songs were found and who the artists are, the words and chords to every song, and 57 pictures. Basically, liner note heaven.

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There Will Always Be A Small Time: CD
  • There Will Always Be A Small Time: CD

There Will Always Be A Small Time: CD

In cart Not available Out of stock

Corin Raymond's 2009 of release There Will Always Be A Small Time went to #5 on the Roots Charts in the States, was nominated by the Independent Music Awards for Best Story Song ("Blue Mermaid Dress") and won the People's Choice for Alternative Country Album. The album features songs like "Better Him Than Me," "I Wish I Was In Love," "Paid To

Corin Raymond's 2009 of release There Will Always Be A Small Time went to #5 on the Roots Charts in the States, was nominated by the Independent Music Awards for Best Story Song ("Blue Mermaid Dress") and won the People's Choice for Alternative Country Album. The album features songs like "Better Him Than Me," "I Wish I Was In Love," "Paid To Party," and the anthemic title track, "There Will Always Be A Small Time."

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Doghouse Dreams: CD
  • Doghouse Dreams: CD

Doghouse Dreams: CD

In cart Not available Out of stock

Acoustic songwriting duo, draws from American Blues, R&B, Gospel, Ragtime and Country to create their own brand of of Canadian "folk music theatre".

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Cherry Wood Stein (20oz) - 7 Left in Stock!
  • Cherry Wood Stein (20oz) - 7 Left in Stock!
  • Cherry Wood Stein (20oz) - 7 Left in Stock!
  • Cherry Wood Stein (20oz) - 7 Left in Stock!
  • Cherry Wood Stein (20oz) - 7 Left in Stock!

Cherry Wood Stein (20oz) - 7 Left in Stock!

In cart Not available Out of stock
Out of stock

Gorgeous handcrafted 20 oz stein, bevelled and finessed together seamlessly from twenty pieces of cherry wood. Stained and finished with hemp oil. Each order comes with a bottle of hemp oil, for future upkeep, along with stein-care instructions. Album title burned into the wood, with "Album Release 2016" on the underside.

Initialled by Alex Ferri,

Gorgeous handcrafted 20 oz stein, bevelled and finessed together seamlessly from twenty pieces of cherry wood. Stained and finished with hemp oil. Each order comes with a bottle of hemp oil, for future upkeep, along with stein-care instructions. Album title burned into the wood, with "Album Release 2016" on the underside.

Initialled by Alex Ferri, of Mystic Wood, the maker of these little vessels of beauty.

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